
Capture d’écran 2015-10-22 à 15.54.383,000 to 3,500 unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) entered the Belgian territory in 2015. In 2014, they were 1,700. An estimate given during the press conference of the Platform Minors in exile on the 21th of October. “The UFM tend to be younger and younger” explained Katja Fournier, coordinator of the Platform Minors in exile. These children, coming mainly from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Somalia, are often exploited and tortured along their road to Europe. However, on the 9th of October, only 16 places remained in Fedasil reception centers. The Platform estimates that 120 to 150 new places by month are needed by the end of 2015 to take care of these children. The need for political actions is urgent, regarding the risk of exposing these children to new exploitations: forced labour, mendacity, prostitution, etc.

Copyright ECPAT Belgique « Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants »

Eurostat published the 2015 edition of the report on statistics on human trafficking in the European Union, covering the period 2010-2012. Where do the identified victims of trafficking come from? And the traffickers? What form of exploitation are the most common? 19% of identified victims are children. 55% of identified victims are under 24 and 69% are sexually exploited. Belgium is no exception, being in the top five of the EU countries where the traffickers come from.

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These figures show the urgent need of better protection for children against trafficking. At the occasion of the EU Anti-trafficking day (18th of October), the Council of Europe recalled that governments must act to prevent and combat child trafficking.

Copyright ECPAT Belgique « Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants »

The 18th of November 2015 will mark the first European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. Save the date and join us in the fight against commercial sexual exploitation of children!

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The purpose of the European Day, initiated by the Council of Europe, is to raise public awareness and to open the discussion on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and abuse.

It will also offer the occasion to promote the Lanzarote Convention, a unique legally binding instrument for the criminalization of all forms of sexual abuse of children.

This Day is meant for children, parents, educators, decision-makers, NGO, etc. and for anybody that’s touched by  the protection of children.

Copyright ECPAT Belgique « Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants »

What kind of protection is offered to children against commercial sexual exploitation in Belgium? What are the possible improvements of the system?

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ECPAT Belgium’s assessment of the situation in Belgium, is now available in English.

Copyright ECPAT Belgique « Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants »