Copyright ECPAT Belgique « Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants »
The campaign I Say Stop has been “truckvertised” on Belgian roads for 8 weeks.
28,859 Km have been covered across Belgium mainly on Brussels ring road.
After 8 weeks, 271,000 people have been reached and are now more aware of the issue of child sexual exploitation.
I see, I react!
Copyright ECPAT Belgique « Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants »
Recent crises and war in several countries, including Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea among others, have led to tens of thousands of refugees arriving in the European Union via southern Europe and across the Mediterranean Sea. Among them are a significant number of children, some of whom are separated from their families. ECPAT International released a statement signed by 12 members to the attention of European institutions to strengthen the protection of these particularly vulnerable children.
Copyright ECPAT Belgique « Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants »
A l’occasion de la journée mondiale contre l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants, ECPAT Belgique a été invité à participer à l’émission “7 milliards de voisins” sur Radio France International pour parler de son travail, notamment contre le tourisme sexuel impliquant des enfants.
L’émission est disponible une semaine via le lien suivant.
Our colleague from ECPAT UK, Colin Walker, was interviewed on Euronews On the Frontline news programme about the EU Directive on Trafficking.
Selling children into slavery – it is one of the world’s most heinous crimes and it is on the rise. By its very nature, trafficking is extremely hard to quantify – conservative estimates put the number of children trafficked globally at 1.2 million and those who are forced into slavery at 5.5 million.
In this edition our guests are Colin Walker, Deputy Director of the UK branch of the NGO ECPAT leading rights organisation for children, and Rani Hong, UN.GIFT Special Advisor on human trafficking and founder of the Tronie Foundation.
Source: Euronews
Copyright ECPAT Belgique “Stop à l’exploitation sexuelle commerciale des enfants”