Entries by ECPAT Belgique

You were 600…

… to participate in our survey on the reporting of chid sexual exploitation in travel and tourism. Thank you so much ! The results will now be analyzed. Stay tuned!

12th European Forum on the Rights of the Child

“Where are we and where do we want to go? “These were the questions that guided the 250 participants from all over Europe during 2 days (April 3 and 4). Objective: to better protect the rights of the child. ECPAT Belgium is pleased that specific attention has been paid to the participation of children, particularly […]

Déclic invites itself to Namur

Real pros! On 29 March, the 20 students trained by ECPAT Belgium led a workshop on online safety for the rest of the school. Engaging activities with a strong message. We talked about cyberbullying, intimate space, sexting, privacy but also how to secure your settings on social networks. Thank you to the Établissement de Sœurs […]

Help child victims of sexual exploitation and win a prize!

Tourism has many positive effects on society, such as creating jobs or boosting the economy. Unfortunately, there are also negative effects, such as the sexual exploitation of children. Children have the right to be protected and we must act to protect them. ECPAT Belgium is participating in a study organised by ECPAT Netherlands and the […]

Regional ECPAT Europe Consultation

How to make the fight against the sexual exploitation of children a priority for the European Union? How can the collaboration between ECPAT members be enhanced in Europe? On 4 and 5 March 2019, European ECPAT groups met in Berlin to develop effective strategies to end the sexual exploitation of children.    

Altervoyages Exhibition, Liege

From February 14 to 17, 2019, ECPAT Belgium was pleased to have a stand at the Salon Vert Bleu Soleil (Liège), THE Liège-based exhibition for holidays, tourism and leisure. During these four days, several hundred visitors were informed of the existence of the “I say STOP! “This is a way of reporting any cases of […]

(Dé)clic starts in force

Remember the crowdfunding launched last June? Thanks to your support, ECPAT Belgium has been able to relaunch its activities on online safety for young people. On February 12, we facilitated a one-morning workshop with 20 Secondary 5 students (Sisters of Notre-Dame School, Namur) Through fun activities, we reflected together on the risks presented by new […]

Training “Steigenberger Wiltcher’s”

Another partner in the fight against the sexual exploitation of children! On 22 January, we trained the staff of this prestigious Brussels hotel so that they could detect and react to situations suspected of child sexual exploitation or forced prostitution. As usual, the training focused on concrete and participatory activities, such as role-playing, in order to […]

New EU online privacy law may increase risk of child sexual exploitation

MEDIA RELEASE New EU online privacy law may increase risk of child sexual exploitation Proposed changes to the EU online privacy laws may make it harder for the tech industry to identify and remove child sexual abuse images. More than 30 NGOs and campaigner groups have sent a letter to EU President Junkers asking for […]